Programme Profile: Biophysics. d AG Proteinkristallographie, Fakultät für Biologie und Biotechnologie, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Universitätsstraße 150, 44801 Bochum, Germany Abstract [FeFe]-hydrogenases are nature's fastest catalysts for the evolution or oxidation of hydrogen. Winter term: October â beginning of FebruarySummer term: April â end of July. Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology Department for Biology and Biotechnology. Dean’s Office. … As we are currently setting up the Center for System-based Antibiotic Research (CESAR) this website is also still under construction. Share photos and videos, send messages and get updates. Web page | E-Mail Gesundheitscampus - Nord 10 44801 Bochum 4 Department of Theoretical Chemistry and Amsterdam Center for Multiscale Modeling (ACMM), VU Amsterdam, De Boelelaan 1083, 1081 HV, Amsterdam, The … Ihr findet uns im ND 03/70 ! Herzlich willkommen auf den Seiten der Fakultätsbibliothek Biologie und Biotechnologie +++ C o r o n a - P a n d e m i e +++ C o r o n a - P a n d e m i e +++ Betrieb unserer Bibliothek unter Covid-19-Bedingungen: Prof. Dr. Judith Korb Institute of Biology I., ND 04/173Tel. Bachelor of Science Biologie ; Polyvalenter Zwei-Hauptfächer Bachelorstudiengang Biologie (mit Option Lehramt Gymnasium) Lehramt an Gymnasien; Master of Science Biologie ; Master of Education Biologie; Master of Science Biochemistry & Biophysics; Master of Science Neuroscience (3)Fakultät Chemie und Chemische Biologie (CCB), Technische Universität Dortmund, 44221, Dortmund, Germany. Next. AG Verhaltensbiologie und Didaktik der Biologie ... English . Publications Franz Narberhaus (PubMed) Publications Franz Narberhaus (complete list) Publications Bernd Masepohl (PubMed) RNA THERMOMETERS. It is a long-term surviving primary culture with neurons in an organotypical composition of cell types, with local wiring in a typical 3D structural environment, and spontaneous activity with a well balanced excitation and inhibition. RUB » Fakultät für Biologie und Biotechnologie » LS für Tierphysiologie. Recent Pinus ‐species are evergreen and have a typical long shoot/short shoot differentiation. Fakultäten der RUB » Fakultät für Biologie und Biotechnologie » Internationales » Incoming. Moreover, the effects are seen only in apical dendrites. btS - Biotechnologische Studenteninitiative e.V. Correspondence: Prof. F. Narberhaus, Ruhr‐Universität Bochum, Fakultät für Biologie und Biotechnologie, Lehrstuhl für Biologie der Mikroorganismen, Universitätsstr. Director Prof. Dr. Daniel Hahn Tel. Startseite; Kontakt; Mitarbeiter; Lehre. Human Movement Science Anschrift: Gesundheitscampus Nord Nr.10, 44801 Bochum | E-Mail. We will keep you updated! Center for Economic Education. : +49 (234) 32-23142 FR Biologie der RUB, Bochum, Germany. More recently we could show that some variants of AMPA receptors, when overexpressed, evoke dendritic growth. Recent paper: Pedraja et al (2018), Motion Parallax in Electric Sensing, PNAS. Group: Evolution & Ecology: From Ecology to Genes Based on current research topics, biophysical methods and corresponding applications are presented. Faculties » Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology » Faculty Go to First Page Go to Last Page. Liebe Erstsemester, um Ihnen den Einstieg in das Studium zu erleichtern, bietet die Fakultät einen Moodle-Kurs an: Einstieg Ostasienwissenschaften (WiSe20/21) Link Hier erhalten Sie Informationen zum Studienstart, können Fragen stellen und Ihre Mitstudierenden kennenlernen. Julia Beverungen . Fakultät für Biologie und Biotechnologie 79 Arbeitsgruppe Verhaltensbiologie und Didaktik der Biologie 79 Ruhr-Universität Bochum 79 English. FSR … Faculties » Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology » Faculty Your Bioscience Career starts Here. In addition, the faculty is closely involved with the Bachelor of Arts and Master of Education for RUB’s double-specialisation Bachelor/Master programme including the Bochum tiered teacher-training model. : +49-(0)234-32-24367 Fax: +49-(0)234-32-14186. Flip variants turned out to be more efficient than calcium-permeable receptor variants. Sie können die unten aufgeführten Anmeldelisten jeweils nur nach einer vorherigen Authentifizierung nutzen. The Master Programme Biochemistry is open to all applicants that fulfill the requirements.Applicants with a B.Sc. : +49 234 32 25701 E-Mail . Hier findet ihr also unsere diesjährige Ausschreibung der Tutoriumsleitung. The faculty also offers a doctoral mathematics/computer science programme with an … RUB on social networking sites. Liudmila Keller LS Angewandte Mikrobiologie Fakultät für Biologie und Biotechnologie Ruhr-Universität Bochum ND … Die Fakultät; Studium; Internationales; Promotion/PhD. Phone: +49 (0)761 203-2546 : +49 (234) 32-18133 Dr. W. Kruse, Fakultät für Biologie und Biotechnologie; About the INI. Presentation Mode Open Print Download Current View. Die studentische Ringvorlesung HERMAION wird für die nächsten drei Jahre von der Fakultät für Philologie gefördert und sucht aktuell neue studentische Lehrende für die vierte Ausgabe im Sommersemester 2021. Exchange Students; Bachelor Studies Biology ; Suggestion for your Studies; Language and Study Skills; Contact; Outgoing. btS Lübeck. 3 Fakultät Chemie und Chemische Biologie (CCB), Technische Universität Dortmund, 44221, Dortmund, Germany. Latest Job Postings. Setting up the Center for System-based Antibiotic Research. btS Frankfurt. Incoming. College & University. Publikationen. Wöhlers Harnstoff-Synthese, Sonderstellung des Kohlenstoffs, Konstitution und funktionelle Gruppen 02.04.2012 Aus den Mitteln von PURE konnten zwei neue W2-Professuren eingerichtet werden: Dr. Axel Mosig (Bioinformatik) und Dr. Volker Harth (Epidemiologie). We could show that neurotrophins become imported from a target area of an axonal projection and recycled in the cortex to local interneurons which in turn respond with an altered expression of neuropeptide Y, the brain's endogenous antiepileptic peptide (see press release ). Head. Gundula Talbot NC 02/169 Tel. My lab has a long-standing interest in the development of cortical interneurons, in particular in the activity-dependent mechanisms of structural and neurochemical maturation. Fakultät; Studium. Medizinische Fakultät; . Research Groups Prof. Dr. Eike Kiltz: Chair for Cryptography Prof. Dr. Gregor Leander: Workgroup for Symmetric Cryptography Jun.-Prof. Dr. Nils Fleischhacker : Workgroup for Theoretical Cryptography Sprechstunde n.V. TECHNISCHE ASSISTENZ UND SEKRETARIAT . Koordinierungs-Office für Ehrenamt & Engagement e.V. Bis dann Tutoriumsleitung gesucht! Previous. Minkley, N., Kärner, T., Jojart, A., Nobbe, L., Krell, M. Students’ mental load, stress … Contact International Graduate School of Biosciences (IGB) Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology Ruhr-University Bochum 44780 Bochum Tel. Promotionskolloquium Anna Grebinyk; Fakultät für Biologie “Synergistic Chemo-and Photodynamic Treatment of Cancer Cells with C60 Fullerene Nanocomplexe" 01/13/2021, 1:15 PM - 2:15 PM Last Update: 2020-07-22 | Responsible: Contect & Tech. Nach einer anfänglichen Finanzierung durch PURE werden die Professuren von der Biologie Fakultät der RUB bzw. See More triangle-down; Pages Liked by This Page. : (0234) / 32 - 29011 Fax: (0234) / 32 - 14011 Deutsch. In ongoing studies we ask if we could regulate neurite growth using chemogenetics (DREADDs) and optogenetics (channelrhodopsin). Andrea Röss / Liliane Merz Altbau Schänzlestr. Selected Publications. degree from a German university must have their B.Sc. Ruhr-Universität Bochum Fakultät für Psychologie AE Biopsychologie IB 6-121 - Postfach 18 D-44780 Bochum. Student Organisations. |, Get into contact with the International Office (, (optional: apply for the “Orientation course”, Choose some modules and/or courses which fit to your interests, Fill in the application form and send it to Ms. Beatrix Dünschede. Internship Office. Studiengänge. Promotion / IMOS and Master of Chemistry. Loh E, Righetti F, Eichner H, Twittenhoff C, Narberhaus F RNA thermometers in … Foto: Damian Gorczany. Below you find some information about the initial steps of your exchange experience. Junior-GBM Bochum. Finally, "from the forest to the lab", we are analyzing the fetal cortical development of a non-domesticated hoofed mammal, the wild boar (Sus scrofa), a precocious species with a rather short gestation period, but a large gyrated brain (see press release FSR Biologie - Uni DuE. Phone: +49 234 - 32 28213 Fax: +49 234 - 32 14377 Startseite; Aktuelles; Mitarbeiter(innen) Forschung; Lehre; Publikationen; Links; AusgewÄhlte Publikationen Aktuelle Publikationen. Highlight all Match case. Deutsch. Deutsch. btS Mainz/Bingen. btS Freiburg. We aim to understand the fundamental principles through which organisms generate behavior and cognition while linked to their environments through sensory systems and while acting in those environments through effector systems. Met onderwijs en onderzoek in de wiskunde, natuurkunde, scheikunde, sterrenkunde, biologie, logica en informatica verdiepen we ons in de volle breedte van de bètawetenschappen. Proteomic profiling reveals innovation potential of new antibiotics. RNA-SURIBA RNA STRUCTURES OF UNTRANSLATED REGIONS IN BACTERIA. Prof. Dr. Petra Wahle Sprechzeiten: n.V. ND 6/72 Tel. TauR, a MocR-like member of the GntR superfamily of transcriptional regulators, activates tpa … If you are accepted as exchange student at the Ruhr-University Bochum, we are happy to welcome you. Cluster of Excellence in Cognitive Interaction Technology., Letzte Ãnderung: btS Aachen. Our most important experimental platform is the organotypic slice culture prepared from the newborn rat visual neocortex. ). Institutions. Weitere Informationen zum Projekt finden Sie unter: Proteomic profiling reveals … Modifying the calcium dynamics by expression of genetically encoded calcium indicators, which basically are calcium buffers, we found that some are substantially delaying differentiation and may evoke degeneration. Fakultät; Studium. Antibiotics from the bacterial world. 1, room A 309 Phone: 203-2892 Fax: 203-2894 Dear readers, Dear colleagues, The present research report gives you an overview over the large variety of research field Tel: +49 (0)234 - 32-24338 Forschung an der Fakultät Forschungsbericht und Veröffentlichungen aus dem Jahr 2019 In dem vorliegenden Forschungsbericht erhalten Sie einen Überblick über einige der wichtigsten Forschungsergebnisse, ... Home of Solvation Science @ RUB . RUB » Departments » Faculty of Psychology. Fakultäten der RUB » Fakultät für Biologie und Biotechnologie » Die Fakultät Next Contact. ). Of het nu gaat om elementaire deeltjes, het ontstaan van het heelal, of de werking van het brein. Willkommen; Praktikum im Ausland; Studieren im Ausland; Summer Schools; Finanzierung … E-Mail: Ruhr-Universität Bochum and all its facilities will switch to emergency operation from Wednesday, 18 March 2020, until further notice in order to make an effective contribution to slowing down the ongoing corona pandemic. 729 likes. Selecting a particular BioEU Master programme will allow you to become a specialist in your chosen field of interest. Übersicht; Vorlesungen; Anfängerübungen Zoologie ; A-Modul; S-Modul; Service. Damit sollen die Ursachen der Krankheit genau erforscht werden. Position: Prof: Nationality: German: Room: W3 268: Tel +49 521 106-4641: e-mail: jacob.engelmann[@] Fakultät für Biologie and Biotechnologie » Neurobiologie » AG Wahle.; Ruhr‐Universität Bochum, Lehrstuhl Biologie der Mikroorganismen, Bochum, Germany. Fakultät für Ostasienwissenschaften Bochumer Jahrbuch zur Ostasienforschung Zurück zur Auswahl . 03.12.2020 Dipl.-Biol. FACE@RUB: Kick-off event on 14.12.2020. Room: 2nd floor, 2.101. Thus, these commonly used tools for calcium imaging can impair neuronal differentiation. PD Dr. Minou Nowrousian Lehrstuhl fuer Molekulare und Zellulaere Botanik Fakultaet fuer Biologie und Biotechnologie ND 7/176 Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum Further, we have used the cultures successfully for recordings and for measuring activity with calcium-indicator dyes and two-photon/confocal microscopy.We have defined critical periods for molecular-neurochemical plasticity which depend on the environment, such as afferent or reciprocal innervation, action potential activity, or the presence or absence of certain trophic factors (see press release Studenten en onderzoekers van de FNWI zijn gefascineerd door hoe de wereld in elkaar zit. Rhodobacter capsulatus can efficiently grow with taurine as the sole sulfur source. An der Fakultät für Biologie und Biotechnologie können Sie zwei Bachelorstudiengänge und zwei Masterstudiengänge in Biologie studieren. Located in the midst of the dynamic metropolitan area of the Ruhr, in the heart of Europe, the Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB) with its 20 faculties, RUB’s disciplinary institutional units, is home to over 43,000 students from 130 countries. Fakultät für Biologie; Master Biosciences ; Startseite ; Startseite. Doctoral thesis, Fakultät für Biologie und Biotechnologie Ruhr-Universität Bochum Bibtex APA @phdthesis{Gimme2014, author = {Gimme, Britta}, title = {Nachweis und Analyse elementarer Invarianten als Bausteine menschlicher Armbewegungen}, school = {Fakultät für Biologie und Biotechnologie Ruhr-Universität Bochum}, year = {2014}, } FACULTY OF CHEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMISTRY. ... [RUB] wählen und sich mit ruhr-uni-bochum\RUB-LoginID und dem dazugehörigen Passwort einloggen und anschließend zur Veranstaltung anmelden. Author information: (1)Lehrstuhl für Biologie der Mikroorganismen, Fakultät für Biologie, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 44780 Bochum, Germany. The Trinational Biotechnology Programme is co-ordinated by the Upper Rhine universities of Freiburg, Basel and Straßburg. PUBLIKATIONEN 2017 Soya S, Takahashi TM, McHugh TJ, Maejima T, Herlitze S, Abe M, Sakimura K, Sakurai T. (2017) ). Rotate Clockwise Rotate Counterclockwise. Fakultäten der RUB » Fakultät für Sportwissenschaft » Bewegungslehre und Biomechanik. : +49-(0)234-32-24367 Fax: +49-(0)234-32-14186 E-Mail. Hauptseite der Fakultät; Startseite; Mitarbeitende; Lehre und Studium; Forschung; Publikationen; Links und Partner; Lehr- und Forschungsbereich Bewegungswissenschaft. English. AG Verhaltensbiologie und Didaktik der Biologie Prof. Dr. W. H. Kirchner . Juniorprof. degree in Biochemistry from the RUB or another German university can enrol in the M.Sc. FACULTY OF CHEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMISTRY. FR Biologie der RUB, Bochum, Germany. Database description The database RNA-SURIBA contains RNA-secondary structure predictions and a set of additional parameters for all upstream regions of all genes from 62 … English. Studiengänge. Fakultät für Biologie und Biotechnologie Die Fakultät. Prof. Dr. Julia Bandow Tel. Fakultät für Biologie und Biotechnologie. We showed that the growth and branching of dendrites of pyramidal cells and interneurons can be mediated by the neurotrophic factors BDNF and NT4 in an autocrine fashion. Previous. Morgen- og Aftensange PDF Malebog - A Surfers Mind PDF Malebog - A Surfers Mind PDF btS Göttingen. Dr. Sina Schäkermann Tel. Tel. The Institut für Neuroinformatik (INI) is a central research unit of the Ruhr-Universität Bochum. These cultures are easy to manipulate with pharmacological tools via the medium, easy to transfect (we use a gene gun transfection) for studying the effects of genes on the maturation of the indivividual cell or the action on the neuronal network, and of course applicable for state of the art histology, biochemical-molecular analyses, and confocal imaging. btS Biberach . Dr. Andreas Reiner; Ruhr University Bochum Bldg./Room: ND 5/29 Dr. Andreas Reiner NG Cellular Neurobiology Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology. Dean of studies office. Verschil met het vak op school is dat deze studie exacter is: je krijgt meer wiskunde, natuurkunde en scheikunde. RUB will be run in an emergency operation mode where only necessary infrastructure and laboratories will be maintained. Deutsch. Author information: (1)Medizinisches Proteom-Center, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 44801, Bochum, Germany. The project FACE@RUB of the Worldfactory Start-up Center wants to change this and invites female students and scientists to the kick-off event of the project via Zoom on 14 December 2020, starting at 4 pm. Bewerbt euch, leitet … btS Bielefeld. Of the many tested variants only one was found to modify interneuronal dendrites. Affiliations 1 Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Fakultät für Biologie und Biotechnologie, Lehrstuhl für Biochemie der Pflanzen, AG Photobiotechnologie, 44801 Bochum, Germany. Located in the midst of the dynamic, hospitable metropolitan area of the Ruhr, in the heart of Europe, the Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB) with its 20 faculties, RUB’s disciplinary institutional units, is home to 5,600 employees and over 41,000 students from 130 countries. Inspired … Calcium signalling is crucial for dendrite growth. Lehrstuhlinhaber. programme at the students’ registration office during the enrolment period by presenting their degree certificate and the certificate of the mandatory counselling interview.Applicants with a related or comparable (B.Sc.) via ERASMUS or DAAD fellowship), please contact your coordinator at home and the international office of the Ruhr-University Bochum to manage the first organizational steps. Welcome to the Faculty of Psychology. If you want to study at the Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology as an exchange student (e.g. Ihr Lieben, auch wenn die Zeiten schwierig und anders sind, so bekommen wir doch im Winter wieder neue Erstis! Secretary. Fakultät für Biologie und Biotechnologie Incoming. 150, 44801 Bochum, Germany E‐mail: Phone: +49 (0) 234 32 – 26969. : +49 (0) 234 / 32 - 26908 , Fax: 14749 opening-hours: on appointment Create an account or log into Facebook. Thumbnails Document Outline Attachments. Veröffentlichungen; Imaging-Center; Links; Intern; AG Entwicklungsneurobiologie Prof. Dr. Petra Wahle Sprechzeiten: n.V. ND 6/72 Tel. Tel. Prof. Dr. Hermann Lübbert Lehrstuhl für Tierphysiologie Fakultät für Biologie und Biotechnologie Gebäude ND 5/122 Universitätsstr. RUB » Fakultät für Biologie und Biotechnologie » AG Verhaltensbiologie und Didaktik der Biologie. (4)Department of Theoretical … Only 15.7% of founders in the start-up sector are female. RUB-Forscher haben ein Mausmodell für die menschliche Krankheit SCA6 etabliert, eine Bewegungsstörung, die mit dem Verlust von Nervenzellen im Kleinhirn einhergeht. btS Berlin. Foto: Damian Gorczany. RUB PRESS RELEASE. RUB » Fakultät für Biologie und Biotechnologie » Lehrstühle, Arbeits- und Nachwuchsgruppen » Biologie der Mikroorganismen. Kaldewey, K., Broeckl, F., Gosmann, C., Koenekamp, M., Wolfgramm, T., Krusche, T., Platen, P. (2017). English. RUB excels in cutting-edge interdisciplinary research across traditional boundaries, which is organized effectively in multidisciplinary matrix structures for collaborative research, and benefits from hosting the full spectrum of academic disciplines – the humanities and … btS Bremen. The products of the tpa-tauR-xsc gene region are essential for this activity. Coordination. The eight BioEU Master of Science Programmes offer you tailor-made -curricula according to your personal interests. Fundamentals in thermodynamics, reaction kinetics and molecular interactions in general as well as with respect to analysis of single cells down to single molecules are discussed. 2 Institute of Virology, University Hospital, University Duisburg-Essen, 45120, Essen, Germany. Biologie is een vak dat zich bezighoudt met de vraag hoe planten, dieren en mensen in elkaar zitten en functioneren.,,, Contact. Room: NCDF 06/492. Fax: (+49) 234 32 14620 Search for … English. Die brauchen natürlich ein Tutorium und dieses Tutorium braucht Menschen, die es leiten. Arrange your “Learning agreement” with your home university and with Ms. Fakultät für Biologie und Biotechnologie,,, GMP Academy. All … Molecular & Cellular Botany. : +49 234 32 23102 E-Mail . Dear readers, Dear colleagues, The present research report gives you an overview over the large variety of research field ). RUB » Faculty of biology and biotechnologyg » Center for System-Based Antibiotic Research. Further Job Postings. Connect with friends, family and other people you know. 2 Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Fakultät für Biologie und Biotechnologie, Lehrstuhl für Biochemie der Pflanzen, AG Photobiotechnologie, 44801 Bochum, Germany. In a recent study we found that basal dendrites of pyramidal cells depend on NMDA receptor signaling, in particular on GluN2B-containing receptors in a early time window of development. RUB » Fakultät für Biologie und Biotechnologie » Lehrstühle, Arbeits- und Nachwuchsgruppen » Biologie der Mikroorganismen. Nonprofit Organization. Interested parties can register for the event until 07 December 2020. Overexpression of type-I TARPs which transport AMPA receptors to the membrane also caused dendritic growth of pyramidal neurons. Dipl .-Biol. International Graduate School of Biosciences In 2004 the International Graduate School of Biosciences (IGB) was founded by the Faculty of Biology and … Examination Office. Contact Faculty of Social Science Universitätsstraße 150 Building GD E1 / 353-355 Postbox 65 44801 Bochum, Germany Fax: +49 234 32-14507 E-Mail: Bachelorstudiengänge Bachelor of Science : Im Studiengang Biologie mit dem Abschluss Bachelor of Science studieren Sie insbesondere Biologie, belegen aber auch Kurse in Chemie, Physik und Mathematik. English. : +49 (234) 32-24449 (2)Institute of Virology, University Hospital, University Duisburg-Essen, 45120, Essen, Germany. 150 44780 Bochum. E-mail: : (0234) / 32 - 29012 Fax: (0234) / 32 - 14011 The Faculty of Psychology is an internationally oriented and research-based institute with circa 700 enrolled students. Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier. All the great scientific disciplines are united on one compact campus. : (0234) 32 … Bachelor of Science Biologie ; Polyvalenter Zwei-Hauptfächer Bachelorstudiengang Biologie (mit Option Lehramt Gymnasium) Lehramt an Gymnasien; Master of Science Biologie ; Master of Education Biologie; Master of Science Biochemistry & Biophysics; Master of Science Neuroscience Die Fakultät; Studium; Internationales. We found that specific splice and editing variants when overexpressed evoke an increase in the complexity of pyramidal cell apical dendrites, and also in spine building (see press release ND 03/132Tel. der DGUV übernommen. 2018. Internship Office. Ihr findet uns im ND 03/70 ! Most courses, lectures or seminars at our faculty are taught in German language and all require continuous attendance to gain credit points (CP). Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology Department for Biology and Biotechnology. Ruhr-University Bochum ND 7/130 Universitätsstraße 150 D-44780 Bochum Electronic address: Surprisingly, also kainate receptors play a role for interneurons and pyramidal cells, after overexpression as well as via an increase in network activity (see press release RUB » Fakultät für Biologie und Biotechnologie » Lehrstühle, Arbeits- und Nachwuchsgruppen » Biologie der Mikroorganismen » Forschung. Publications Franz Narberhaus (PubMed) Publications Franz Narberhaus (complete list) Publications Bernd Masepohl (PubMed) RNA THERMOMETERS. Internship Office. Gabriele Wesseler Phone: +49 (0) 234/32-27793 Fax: +49 (0) 234/32-14246. PRIVACYHTTP - SAMPEYREIMPIANTI.IT PDF COLLECTION. Dean´s office. RUB » Fakultät für Biologie und Biotechnologie » AG Verhaltensbiologie und Didaktik der Biologie. Students from France, Switzerland and Germany obtain an interdisciplinary training in the field of Biotechnology. Bitte bewerbt euch bis zum 25.07. bei Termine; Promotionsstudium; Internationale Graduiertenschule Biowissenschaften (IGB) International Graduate School of Neuroscience (IGSN) RUB Research School; Forschung; Presse; Kontakt .