1841-ben megalapította Salzburgban a Mozarteumot. Karl was born in Vienna.His schooling, in Prague, was under Franz Xaver Niemetschek and František Xaver Dušek, and he became a gifted pianist. Carl (or Karl) Thomas Mozart was the second son, and the elder of the two surviving sons, of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Constanze Weber. … His schooling, in Prague, was under Franz Xaver Niemetschek and …

Datasets available include LCSH, BIBFRAME, LC Name Authorities, LC Classification, MARC codes, PREMIS vocabularies, ISO language codes, and more.

His schooling, in Prague, was under Franz … Karl was born in Vienna. Nie Karl nog Thomas had … Wikipedia Biographical Summary: "...Karl (or Carl) Thomas Mozart (21 September 1784 – 31 October 1858) was the second son, and the elder of the two surviving sons, of Wolfgang and Constanze Mozart. Here I am with a new article about Mozart's first son:Carl Thomas.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart legidősebb és Franz Xaver Wolfgang mellett a másik felnőttkort megélt gyermeke.. Élete. Karl (or Carl) Thomas Mozart (21 September 1784 – 31 October 1858) was the second son, and the elder of the two surviving sons, of Wolfgang and Constanze Mozart.The other was Franz Xaver Wolfgang Mozart. Bladeren milions woorden en zinnen in alle talen. Karl (or Carl) Thomas Mozart (21 September 1784 – 31 October 1858) was the second son, and the elder of the Carl Thomas Mozart Carl Thomas Mozart (Wenen, 21 september 1784 - Milaan 31 oktober 1858) was één van de zes kinderen van Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart en Constanze Weber. Hij en Franz Xaver Wolfgang Mozart waren de enige twee die bleven leven. Carl Thomas fő támogatója és vezéralakja volt a Mozart-kultusz újraélesztésének és népszerűsítésének. Er war der zweite Sohn und das ältere der beiden überlebenden Kinder von Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart und Constanze geb.

His young brother was Franz Xaver Wolfgang Mozart. Karl Thomas Mozart Zodiac Sign is Virgo, Ethnicity White & religion Not Available.. Karl Thomas Mozart Net Worth 2018.

Karl was born in Vienna. Hij werd amper vier maanden voor de dood van zijn vader Wolfgang Amadeus geboren.. Biografie. [1] Biography. His young brother was Franz Xaver Wolfgang Mozart. Carl Thomas Mozart (1784-1858) war der älteste überlebende Sohn Wolfgang Amadeus Mozarts. This includes data values and the controlled vocabularies that house them. Media in category "Carl Thomas Mozart" The following 6 files are in this category, out of 6 total.
Carl (or Karl) Thomas Mozart was the second son, and the elder of the two surviving sons, of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Constanze Weber.

Carl Thomas Mozart egész életében arra törekedett öccsével, Franz Xaver Wolfganggal, hogy támogassák apjuk emlékét. Karl Thomas Mozart is a Austrian Official in the service of the Viceroy of Naples in Milan., who was born on 21 September, 1784 in Vienna. Karl Thomas Mozart (21 September 1784 – 31 October 1858) was the second son, and the elder of the two surviving sons, of Wolfgang and Constanze Mozart. Carl Thomas Mozart war ein österreichischer Staatsbeamter. Johann Chrysostomus Wolfgang Theophilus "Wolfgang Amadeus" MOZART 1756-1791 Maria Costanza Cäcilia Josepha Johanna A. WEBER 1762-1842 Carl Thomas MOZART 1784-1858

Karl (or Carl) Thomas Mozart (21 September 1784 – 31 October 1858) was the second son, and the elder of the two surviving sons, of Wolfgang and Constanze …
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