Survivors live in a world where resources are scarce, violence and murder are common and Freakers roam the wilderness. Days Gone [AT uncut Edition] (PS4) In einer von einer globalen Pandemie verwüsteten Welt meidet St. John die vermeintlich sicheren Lager in der Wildnis, die von den letzten Überlebenden der Menschheit eingerichtet wurden, und sucht sein Glück auf den zerstörten Straßen. Jetzt bei bestellen! Days Gone’s world is very much greater than the sum of it parts. Days Gone is an open-world action game set in the high-desert of the Pacific Northwest two years after a mysterious global pandemic has decimated the world, killing most but transforming millions into mindless, feral creatures. A new Switch version of ‘Mortal Kombat 11’ is not enough to dislodge Sony from No1. Another quiet week means the Top 6 remain unchanged with ‘Days Gone’ holding on to top spot. Starting tomorrow, you can save up to 60% on a range of incredible titles including Marvel’s Spider-Man, Days Gone, Call of Duty: Black Ops 4, Overwatch Legendary Edition and more until 16th October. In our guide, you will find practical tips, information and hints that will help you learn the rules of the game.The first and the most crucial part that you will find is a very detailed walkthrough description of all storyline missions as well as all side missions. Seven: The Days Long Gone is an open-world, isometric role-playing game, in which you play as Teriel, a master thief sent on a mission that will shake the foundations of the Vetrall Empire. Days Gone is an action-adventure survival horror video game developed by SIE Bend Studio and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment.It was released exclusively for the PlayStation 4 on April 26th 2019.. Set in a post-apocalyptic Oregon two years after a global pandemic, Days Gone follows the story of Deacon St. John, a former member of a biker gang. PEGI. Stellen Sie sicher, dass das Produkt alle Spezifikationen hat, die Sie suchen, und es wird zu einem vernünftigen Preis verkauft, bevor Sie diesen Kauf tätigen. Wir haben eine Liste der Einkaufskriterien fr Sie zusammengestellt. Free roam across the vibrant prison island of Peh, and choose whether to help or exploit its many citizens. Lernen Sie das Produkt auch von anderen Käufern, Freunden und dem Internet kennen. The only other new entry to make the Top 40 is ‘Saints Row: The Third – The Full Package’ debuting at No15. Days Gone ist ein vom US-amerikanischen Entwicklerstudio SIE Bend Studio exklusiv für die PlayStation 4 entwickeltes Action-Adventure-Videospiel. If there’s one place that Master Thief Teriel avoids at all costs, it’s the prison island of Peh.
Das Spiel wurde erstmals auf der Fachmesse Electronic Entertainment Expo 2016 in Los Angeles vorgestellt und ist … Days Gone [Bonus uncut Edition] - PEGI 18 (Deutsche Verpackung) - Kostenloser Versand ab 29€. In DAYS GONE, you play a biker who is trying to survive after a viral outbreak turned the infected into feral cannibals and society into a forgotten concept. Days gone pegi – Kaufkriterien. Jetzt bequem online bestellen. As first spotted by Twisted Voxel, the official Days Gone page on PlayStation’s website now lists the game’s ESRB rating alongside other assorted images, trailers, and descriptions of the game. Now, you make your living as a bounty hunter while also killing any of the freakers (the feral cannibals) and … Days Gone is an open-world survival game set in the high-desert of the Pacific Northwest two years after a mysterious global pandemic has decimated the world, killing most but transforming millions into mindless, feral creatures. Seven: The Days Long Gone (PC DVD) [Edizione: Regno Unito] Classificazione PEGI Dai 18 anni in su | di Imgn.Pro. It’s haphazard nature wouldn’t have survived on a smaller scale, but this is a substantial thing.

The guide to Days Gone covers all of the secrets that are hidden in the new production of the Bend Studio team. Days Gone - Collectors Edition - [PlayStation 4] im Onlineshop von MediaMarkt kaufen.

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