Search from 203 Used BMW 330i cars for sale, including a 2017 BMW 330i Sedan, a 2018 BMW 330i Sedan, and a 2019 BMW 330i Sedan ranging in price from $6,175 to $59,720. Good tidings for BMW 330i sedan fans: More power and better handling from a new, North American-only Performance Package. With room for you and four others, the 2020 330i model is a great option if you're looking for passenger space and abundant cargo capacity. View detailed specs, features and options for the 2020 BMW 3-Series 330i Sedan at U.S. News & World Report. The model was produced from 1999 to 2005 and is highly prized among enthusiasts for its balance of power, handling and comfort.

The $3900 factory option comes as close to an M3 sedan as BMW is … When you want to enjoy the ultimate luxury car-dealership experience, turn to McKenna BMW. Our BMW dealership in Norwalk, CA, has been serving Los Angeles County drivers with exceptional customer service, an expansive new BMW inventory and quality BMW repairs for decades. See good deals, great deals and more on a Used BMW 330i in Los Angeles, CA. In our braking and lateral-grip tests, the new 330i’s 168-foot stop from 70 mph and 0.83-g skidpad performance were within spitting distance of the numbers achieved by the 2016 328i xDrive.

If you simply want a quick, relatively nimble and posh compact-luxury sedan that speaks to your rising status, the new BMW 330i fits the bill." Read a review and see pictures of the BMW 330i with Performance Package at Car and Driver. Learn more about the BMW 330i with Performance Package - Article. -- Kelley Blue Book "Earlier this year, BMW engineers told me their goal was to create 'the best sport sedan in the world' -- or, … The BMW 3 Series combines powerful performance and pure athleticism into a sports sedan that you're sure to find exhilarating to drive and comfortable too. The BMW 330ci is the two-door version of the 330, where the "c" stands for "coupe" and "i" for "injection."

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