If you’re looking for a physically imposing midfield general, then you shouldn’t look past Denis Zakaria. Starting as a 19-year-old on FIFA 20 Career Mode, he boasts 85 acceleration, 81 sprint speed, 82 agility, and a decent potential of 85 POT. Aarons is valued at £4.8 million with a £13,500 wage hit but should be considered given the scarcity of high-potential hidden gem right-backs in FIFA 20. The Swiss international can play anywhere along the defensive line, but his strongest position is in holding midfield. Here’s a list of the players that have the most to gain in overall rating. The top five of these lower league gems in FIFA 20 feature below, with a list of the other high-potential lower league gems listed in the table at the foot of the article. Club: Borussia Monchengladbach. I really hope that you find this list useful and have managed to make your career mode save a little more meaningful with these lesser-known players! FIFA 20 Best Young Players: Hidden Gems and Wonderkids With High Potential. So here, we’ll be poaching the much cheaper FIFA 20 Career Mode wonderkids from lower league clubs, finding the top lower league gems to bring into your team. FIFA 20 Bundesliga: Denis Zakaria. If you’ve had a look at our FIFA 20 Hidden Gems: Best Young Midfielders piece, you might be surprised to see yet another Canadian in amongst the best young talents in the game. All stats are found Fut Wiz and ages of players are … In midfield there is Bayern Munich’s Alphonso Davies; at centre-forward, there is Jonathan David of …
Be sure to watch this space for more FIFA 20 and other esports content! FIFA 20 is life right now as football remains on hold due to the coronavirus pandemic.
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