Walkthrough Harvest Moon DS Sprites Station Channel 1, Weather ... difficult channel to unlock. I assume you already know how to play and this is meant to be used for tips, tricks and suggestions. Every sunny morning she accompanies Ann to the Hot Springs and could then be found either in her house, the Church, or walking around the Plaza. 12 - Mineral Beach The center point of a couple festivals in the summer. The Harvest Moon series has always been one of my favourites. There are actually a few reasons to come by here: to play Frisbee with your dog, to fish, to collect grass found on the beach during certain seasons, or to visit the residents who live on the beach. Harvest Moon: More Friends of Mineral Town walkthroughs on SuperCheats - Harvest Moon: More Friends of Mineral Town - Birthday Guide As requested (in my post earlier this week) I have put together a guide for Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town. These include FAQs on characters wild plants and mining. Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town is pretty much a straight port of Back To Nature just in 2D not 3D.
All Harvest Moon Forums. To get a black heart to other colours, just give the boys/girls thing they like. The Fishing Rod is not essential to the game, it really only gives you extra cash by peddling fish. All Free. Find all our Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town Hints for Gameboy Advance. For me, I gave Gray a copper/ silver every day for 12 days and he got a … I was a big fan of Harvest Moon 64 and also Back to Nature for PS1. In this game, the main character is a … Other type of harvest moon games do though. When Kai is in town, she makes frequent visits to the beach. Mayor Thomas will visit you on the 8th and remind you of the event. He only comes to Mineral Town during the summer, so he doesn't pose much of a threat if you shower her with gifts during the other seasons. Neoseeker Forums » Harvest Moon Community » Gameboy Advance ... Neoseeker Forums » Gameboy Advance » Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town » …
He recommends you bring something to add in the soup they make to celebrate the festival. Lots of guides here that will come in useful as you play the game. It's nice to have one of the best Harvest … •Harvest Spirits •Items •Jewels, Gems, and Rings •Mineral Town ... By visiting Zack's place on Mineral Beach a couple of times, he'll eventually give it to you ONLY IF you have an empty slot for tools.
You will be quizzed daily on your knowledge of A Wonderful Life, Another Wonderful Life, Friends of Mineral Town, and More Friends of Mineral Town. Hello everyone! Harvest Moon: More Friends of Mineral Town (牧場物語 ミネラルタウンのなかまたち for ガール, Bokujō Monogatari: Mineral Town no Nakama Tachi for Girl) is the female version of Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town. Plus great forums, game help and a special question and answer system. ... Diposting oleh Admin Harvest Moon Guide pada Rabu, Januari 25, 2012.
Well, in harvest moon friends of mineral town and more friends of mineral town, we don't really use heart points.
We have 9 Walkthroughs for Harvest Moon: More Friends of Mineral Town. Harvest Festival (Fall 9th) 10 AM to 5:59 PM @ Rose Plaza The players of the original Harvest Moon will remember this classic holiday.
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