Wetsuit selection includes 4 mm shorties for the warm summer months, to 7 mm full-length suits for the colder months.
The resort is a popular getaway for scuba diving and snorkelling and accommodates up to 300 guests and 100 staff members. First the booking : we tried to book throught our travel agent and the canadian representatives of Heron Island.
Accessible only by seaplane, boat or helicopter, Heron Island is a diver’s paradise.
Heron Island is one of the best dive resorts in Australia. Heron Island is world famous for its fantastic scuba diving and snorkelling. Heron Island is located off the southeastern coastline of Queensland, Australia, and is like no other place on earth. Heron Island Research Station The Heron Island Marine Centre offers a range of quality snorkelling gear to borrow (included in room cost) or to purchase.
The island is also near 21 dive sites, all within 15 minutes travel. Diving. In March 2012 Heron Island Resort was featured in the BBC's nature TV series, Great Barrier Reef.
Located on the Great Barrier Reef, Heron Island's dive sites are some of the best in the world.
Renowned for it's stunning natural environment and pristine tropical landscape, Heron Island's underwater landscape is just as impressive. You don't need a boat to spy something special; simply pull on your flippers and enter the turquoise waters from the beach to encounter bright blue starfish, sea cucumbers and more. For a start, there's no need for day trips to the Reef, because you're already there. Heron Island dive staff are very knowledgeable in marine life, and the resort also has a library of marine animal identification books in the Marine Centre to help you get the most out of your dive. Since I am prone to sea sickness, have a land-based resort on the GBR was the best choice for me. Snorkel and dive as much as you want. Of all the dive spots in the world, few stand up to Heron Island. The Acropora, the dominant coral specie on Heron Island which branch out like antlers, making an expansive garden that is full of life, is just one … Heron Island is regarded as one of the best diving location, is surely the premier location on the Great Barrief Reef. Heron Island hosts the Heron Island Dive Festival for scuba divers at the end of July, which includes speakers, dive opportunities and classes for those who have never gone scuba diving. Down under the deep Coral Sea lies acres of … Experience some of Australia’s best dive spots – more than 20 dive sites are available, half of … They charged us … Heron Island Diving. Heron Island is known the world over for its excellent Great Barrier Reef dive sites, coral gardens and pinnacles.
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