orange juice. Garnish: orange slice and cherry. Travel is hugely rewarding to me for so many reasons but one reason, in particular, is because it always keeps me inspired and excited in the kitchen. 1 tablespoon grenadine. ½ oz. 1 oz. Due to a scotch shortage in America during World War II, bar owners purchased rum to compensate.
Shake all ingredients in a cocktail shaker with ice and strain into a hurricane glass filled with ice. While most versions of the popular drink are sugary sweet and artificial, I’ve made this one using high quality syrups, real fruit juices, and a mixture of two authentic Jamaican rums.

Garnish with a cheery and an orange slice. The hurricane cocktail is a fruity rum punch made famous in New Orleans. Serve it in plastic cups while wearing plastic bead necklaces for maximum authenticity. 1 tablespoon simple syrup. Due to a scotch shortage in America during World War II, bar owners purchased rum to compensate.
The very first Hurricane was concocted at Pat O’Brien’s in New Orleans in the 1940s. Pin for later. Made with two kinds of rum, three kinds of juice, and grenadine, it's sweet, fruity, and practically required for Mardi Gras! Pin for later. Traditionally made with rum and passion fruit syrup, the Hurricane is a staple cocktail in the New Orleans French Quarter. fresh lime juice. This Hurricane Cocktail is a classic recipe from the French Quarter in New Orleans. The ultimate crowd-pleasing cocktail recipe!

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