SWGOH Rank 1 Meta Report Based on 7187 Arena Teams. Last updated: While I do not claim to have all of the answers in this game, I do my research and have used every toon I … More Critical Damage, Speed and Turn Meter as well as 5% Health & Protection recovery whenever a First Order ally gains a status effect. The event will start at 10:00 AM PDT. Its a mess and it happens to me 3 times in a row, that turn order wasnt the same. The Aggressive Negotiations event is confirmed to start on May 2nd. First Order – High Priority Zetas: Kylo Ren Unmasked (Merciless Pursuit) – Lots of boosts from this essential Zeta. Also we got some developer insights about Padme. Padme Amidala will likely be the leader of choice if a choice is given for this battle as Shaak Ti’s lead is focused on a Clone Trooper team and GK’s lead is not quite as powerful as Padme’s. Padme team cant get or loose TM and it was not a bonus turn like you see on screen. Once padme was faster like yoda and r2 and they fall into the fear , once anakin was faster like yoda and it is not true. Welcome to the Padmé Amidala mods guide, the latest article in our series about the popular game Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes where we take a look at the best mods for specific SWGoH characters. Arena Rating: Based on role, speed, damage, survival, and utility ratings, depicts relative unsynergized strength of a hero on a relative scale..

2019-04-30 07:38 pm Padme kit reveal has been announced. Padme has been added to the game with the May 1st Content Update.

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