TikTok. Hermes House Band - Que Sera Sera deutsche Übersetzung Als ich gerade ein kleines Mädchen war Fragte ich meine Mutter was ich sein würde Werde ich hübsch sein, werde ich reich sein Hier ist, was sie zu mir sagte Que Sera Sera Was immer sein wird,wird sein Die Zukunft guckt nicht in uns These were issued in Germany under HHB International. ... including "Country Roads" and "Que Sera Sera". The Hermes House Band is a Dutch pop band, established in 1984 by members of the Rotterdamsch Studenten Corps, a fraternity/sorority in Rotterdam, Netherlands. Billboard Hot 100. Support Help Center Safety Center Community Guidelines. Original songwriter : Ray Evans, Jay Livingston License courtesy of : Warner Chappell France, Universal Music Publishing UK This title is a cover of Que Sera, Sera as made famous by Hermes House Band Discover. When I was just a little girl I asked my mother, what will I be? Hermes House Band - Que Sera Sera Lyrics. QR CODE. Top Lyrics of 2011. Hermes House Band que sera sera When I was just a little girl I asked my mother, what will I be Will I be pretty, will I be rich Here's what she said to me. Que Sera Sera Hermes House Band. Que Sera, Sera, Whatever will be, will be The future's not ours to see Que Sera, Sera What will be, will be. Discover releases, reviews, credits, songs, and more about Hermes House Band - Que Sera Sera at Discogs. Que sera sera Songtext von Hermes House Band mit Lyrics, deutscher Übersetzung, Musik-Videos und Liedtexten kostenlos auf Songtexte.com Vous pouvez utiliser widget en tant que karaoké de la chanson Que Sera Sera si vous avez la possibilité de télécharger le phonogramme(.mid ou .kar files). Complete your Hermes House Band collection. Here's what she said to me Que Sera, Ser. Programs TikTok for Good TikTok for Developers Advertise on TikTok. Popular Song Lyrics. Will I be pretty, will I be rich? Videos, on stage and behind the scenes of the Hermes House Band 0 videos. Several of these singles were also released in the Netherlands. Lyrics. Performing their greatest hits live on stage. La chanson Hermes House Band Que Sera Sera est présentée par Lyrics-Keeper. Point your camera at the QR code to download TikTok. Recently Added. “I will survive”, "Country roads”, Football’s coming home” “Is this the way to Amarillo” , “Que sera sera”, “Live is life” “Those were the day”, “Rhythm of … HERMES HOUSE BAND Sally, Jop and the band are legends of party music. as made famous by Hermes House Band. Company About TikTok Newsroom Contact Careers ByteDance. Upcoming Lyrics.

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