Organization's can only be as great as the people working for them. Readings. Dipartimento di Economia e Management Coordinatore: Prof.ssa Lauretta Rubini.

If you want to explore some of human resource management’s most important issues, a PhD at Essex could be for you.

The Msc in Management of Human Resources (MHR) is an academic program designed to prepare students to accomplish an international career in the field of human resources. Find out more here. In the Human Resource Management emphasis, you will learn how to serve as the hub of any organization by recruiting, setting up payment plans, training, developing and maintaining a safe work environment. This course will prepare you for a career in human resource management.

Slides. Via Voltapaletto 11 - 44121 Ferrara (Italia) Guarda la mappa.

The program extends on 2 years with regular classes and a set of workshops and labs to develop a rigorous and relevant knowledge in this field. As part of your studies, you’ll use virtual reality to practice your skills and take on real industry projects to get valuable experience.

You’ll examine rewards, pay, performance management, and the future direction of human resources as you explore strategic human resource management, employment policies and legal regulations. Human Resource Management.

The program covers a broad spectrum of management activities including all the key areas needed to become a successful manager and leader, such as: Our postgraduate degree programme investigates the need for employee engagement with broader policies such as corporate social responsibility or work-life balance. At Essex, you can become part of a lively, global research community of more than 100 doctoral students, joining us from around five continents.

Our courses focus on “Human Resource Management” and “Organisational Behaviour”, where national and international aspects are equally taken into account.You will build deep knowledge of personnel management approaches while simultaneously dealing with the behaviour of individuals and groups in organisational settings. MA Human Resource Management postgraduate course at Leeds University Business School. You’ll gain advanced critical thinking skills, understand the key issues in the contemporary world of work, and get a solid grasp of the remit of human resource management (HRM) as a profession.

Study MSc in Human Resource Management at the University of Edinburgh. Examination Rules.

Choose a Masters degree at a triple accredited UK Business School for a successful career

Organizational behavior and human resource management Useful information. The Master of Management (Human Resources) provides foundation training in business and economics, and specialist training in human resource management. Tel.

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