Transiting Pluto Square the Sun: This is an intense transit when lots of raw energy is released. Pluto is about to square my Asc/DC-axis which is already very sensitive as I`ve got Chiron, Moon and Uranus conjunct those angles as well.. I`ve felt the tension rising in multiple areas of my life and I hope I`m alive when this transit in Q is over. Tran. I will fall in this group, provided I live a through 2021. And the hits just kept coming. Pluto […] To understand a Pluto transit we need to understand Pluto. Your email address will not be published. Thank you for a response… Maybe it’s the Saturn return that has me feeling like eating glass these days. Solen er vores grundlæggende livsenergi og identitet. Looking back, I have found the Solar Arc progression of Pluto to figure prominently in my life, more-so than transits as related to lasting effects… When conjunct Venus( Ascendant Ruler), my earlier quiet disposition took a 180 degree turn… I also have Jupiter exactly conjunct Venus so that personality change makes sense… and I never looked back. Twice. Being an only child and single, I feel like an orphan and am truly devastated. Iv’e had T pluto sextiling my 12th house pisces sun over the past year until its final pass at the end of this year. SR Mars will be in 12th combust Ascendant Squaring Uranus in 3rd (car crash?). I’ll check back in here near the end of it to add if necessary ? Within 3 months I went from being nominated as the manager of the year to being fired because my boss was afraid I would take her job. I worked again but I lost the confidence in everything surrounding me. Hope so! Pluto im 1. Pluto also crossed my IC in 2011, which was when my mother, who was my last surviving parent, passed away. Thanks! Pluto transits bring about rebirths of sorts in the areas of life affected. Left. HI Shannon wow your resilience is amazing! I am kind of worried because that’s going to happen next year along with saturn activating my t-square conj mars square venus and moon and neptune opposite my sun in virgo (trying not to be paranoid about p. Moon opposite p. Sun too I kind of know where the hits are coming from, but from what I’ve just read above….it’s going to be intense!!!! Pluto arrives at this point just as Saturn leaves Scorpio. Yes my ascendant is libra so my second house is ruled by Scorpio. I posted last year as transit Pluto approached my IC… things were falling apart rapidly and continued to do so for quite a while. You can check if you have any Pluto transit during the next 3 years, from my Birth chart calculator. I was anticipating big things when pluto conjunct my MC but it was a bit of a fizzle, I did change direction with career slightly but nothing dramatic. Look around for examples, you’ll find tons. Started going to the gym and seeing my body change. I know change is coming, good & bad, as that train has already started rolling. heh. We went back to our home countries. A personal transit of Pluto is when Pluto is aspecting one of your personal planets such as your Sun, Moon or Venus. Pluto is on my ascendant right now. I believe this is a way to not lose your mind lol. They knew of his rep and set me up, probably thinking I could handle whatever was gonna come up. This, after giving them almost every dime I had earned for years to keep them afloat. We had school right there in the center, and the recreation director made sure we all had lots of opportunities for fun. I have the solar arc PLUTO on my ASC now and squaring my MC. I’m worried about how will this affect me, given all the experiences of the people with similar aspects here. My second house cusp is 23 I still have several of years left. The other night, when Pluto entered 17 Cap, I was physically vomiting and had this stream of conscious thing about how nothing mattered, especially not marriage or kids status, job title or property ownership, because when I die I’ll just be thankful for living, for loving and for nature. That was the most difficult period of my life. Looked at my chart and sure enough Pluto is transiting my IC which is also conjunct my NN. I was misdiagnosed, told I had a variety of different diseases. But first I had to have my Saturn Return. It took a lot to pick myself back up and it was not easy but here I am, still standing. It’s kinda crazy how a 10 minute window of uncertainty around birth time translates into a year or two (at least?) I have pluto transiting my ic just passing. The rest happened in 2018 – Now. I am sleeping alot and making myself as numb to pain as I can just to get through. And now Uranus is at my Ascendant. It wasn’t sitting significantly lower, in fact there were homes that sat lower than mine, and when I talked to those people, they all had 3 or 4 inches. I’m open to something different just in certain environments. Gained a lot of weight due to an autoimmune disorder that showed up right before my divorce. Now, Uranus is part of the reason but I don’t recognize myself or my life right now. What has happened? It was a purifying experience. She walked away. All strength for you!! I wish you luck with a stellium in 12th. Does my sexiness upset you? turned out to be a good thing. Haha. I’m thankful to have survived that time because of the strength and resilience it endowed me with but never, ever want to redo it either. Looking to expand my career in coming year. Transiting my moon (this transit finished just a month ago). I got pneumonia. I lost the person who helped me feel grounded on Earth, and the only person who could make me feel safe (Taurus, 4th). All in a year?? My Midheaven is 13 Capricorn. This is one thing that my mother, as an Astrologer, taught me when I started learning Astrology when I was 19 (now 58). And now I have another way of looking at it. My natal Pluto is in the 11th house of friends, and there have been issues with friends lately.. Uranus rules my 5th house as well. It wasn’t hard either. They say Pluto brings out the ruthlessness in you or others. It’s just the going through it that can be challenging. I read that pluto transits show you your power by attracting situations where you experience powerlessness. I started working, but kept a real private life, in which has been this way ever since… not an underground junkie anymore… but a fucking loner. I was only a toddler at the time my parents’ marriage dissolved so it really set the precedent for the rest of my childhood foundation as all of home life was unstable. Now I realize she was just fishing for information. When transiting Pluto crosses your Ascendant, you should make a fearless effort to liberate yourself from all traditional thought patterns and become an example for others. I am too confused now… Both house systems seem to work for me. Wenn Pluto im Transit über Ihren Geburtsmond zieht, wirken große Kräfte auf Ihre Gefühlswelt ein. I am so nervous I have Pluto conjunct my IC starting Jan 2014 it’s already squaring Uranus on my DC and now Jupiter (and in my chart) Mars is teaming up on my MC (where my natal Mars is in conjunct). Thanks, Bob – I’ll be interested to see how it all plays out for everyone going through it. These events have shaken the very foundation of my identity and I have had to be extremely honest with myself about what I value, what I live for, who I really am on my own, stripped of all the things I’ve learned to hide behind. Took me months to break it off properly though. That would be three angles Pluto would cross, if I can make it that far My Mom says I’m tenacious enough I just might make it that far, LOL! Interesting, Pluto crossed my ascendant when I was pregnant with my first child and moved back to my childhood home right after his birth. Also, I have one more question… I’ve been using the placidus system up to this point, but I just checked out my chart with equal houses, and both of the descriptions fit me. I have other transits and progressions indicating marriage and parenthood too that’s why I was thinking about it. Pluto crossed my DC a few weeks back and will continue to go through my 7th house. Scared to death is the least. In a while, pluto will conjunct my Mars in the same house, after this I am sure I will have my home. My car was vandalized twice for 6k total, so I sold it. Last 12 months life has changed so much and I have felt a massive sense of lose however I am rebuilding and life day by day is getting better as long as I don’t fight the changes. Hi pale blue! This can be most obvious when transit Pluto first enters a house, and you’re slapped in the face with his intense, passionate, profound energy. I didn’t know what was coming until it hit. Not everyone has a Pluto transit an angle of their chart in their lifetime but some people have this transit twice. I have rough ideas of things now beginning to happen in my life that might be the seeds that Pluto is planting…, A Scorpio entering my life! Do you do progressed planets.?? Nothing, even when Uranus was exact to my Desc. With the bizarre events taking place now that Uranus is in on my ascendant, there isn’t a doubt in my mind that society has been trying to destroy me from nearly day one…and it involves my sexual orientation and gender – a gay male that a devious society is trying to turn into a straight woman to appease their sick notion of “balance”. We fought constantly. i started working with a big star in the electronic music genre and now hes trying to control me (pluto in 4th, opp venus in 10th). I’m mostly concerned with work/career and what I am supposed to do for a living. An update on my pluto transit: since writing that I’ve lost my house,lived in a sports hall with a communal bathroom, had my car broken into, and there’s more but I’d get too depressed if I went into more detail. my longtime colleague died. I can say I am better for it. I am bumping this post because I would really love to read stories from the people that posted as they were going through this in 2012. I bided my time, I worked hard on the relationship because apparently according to him I didn’t work hard enough at it. I had cancer, lost my hair, teeth. Evil does love to hide behind authority, doesn’t it? lost a record contract. He has changed big time my approach to relationships and in general all the thoughts about that. When you lose everything under a Pluto IC transit these Pollyannas don’t seem worth wasting seconds reading their “experiences”. that´s a lot to handle!! He was the love of my life and perhaps the most influential person in my life. We seem to be having very similar aspects. Now I am very health conscious. Solar Return, progressions and solar arc seem to join forces just to show me how hard life is. Then after 2008, I separated, joined the military, went to war, almost got killed, I was raped by a brother in arms, conceived a child and now I have two sons. Would be very interested to learn how this plays out for other people. We will begin trying to start a family in the next few months or so. Cripes. Consequently that move coincided with Pluto entering my 5th house. My work exhausts me, I have no partner, no love, no affection, my friendships are changing – the ones who seem like “fair weather friends” are leaving in droves, or I am feeling disappointed, alienated and even bitter toward them. Transit Pluto conjunct, square or opposite Ascendant: Empowerment of Identity. It felt like in the space of 2 weeks my whole life fell apart. I was struggling with past trauma for several years and very confused about it, but when Pluto crossed my ascendant, I was able to start getting some clarity on my experience. Oh man. Pluto crossed my IC around 1991-2 and yes, a transformational time. Elsa, I have been a lurker for quite some time. a lot of loss, destruction in just a few years. immediately following, my SO of 13 yrs left me (pluto transit crossing his dc) in an apartment being evicted (which he hid notice of), so I lost my home also, & lost my job. He died in ’85-ish when both Saturn & Pluto were transiting Scorpio (aspecting any combo of the 5 planets I have there). I have never felt so lonely in my whole lonely life. (ie peed, poured water, planted animals in it, etc). It actually really started when Pluto entered Capricorn, subtle yet building… mainly 4th house issues. I didn’t have time to move anything but myself out when it happened because I had been out of town. I may have torn my labrum and I’m probably going to need an MRI. Got sorted. I’ve always wanted someone to look at my natal chart for me, because it’s very unique. “28 degrees Pisces is considered the angle..”. S... Shop Compatibility ReportsMidara’s Relationship Review, Birthday Report Package Deluxe Transit Report – 1 Year Get A Natal Chart ReportProgressed Chart Report Deluxe Asteroids Report Get A Solar Return Report Get A Lunar Return Report Child Natal Report 1 Year Transit Report – Outer Planets, Find Your Soulmate Saturn Transit the 12th House Using Astrology To Get What You Want. But anyway, my grandmother has also passed in March and found out a childhood friend died which was a huge shock. October 2020 and while I still agree with this a rats nest is added to the mix. He saved me. More than ever I want to do my career – but have felt so powerless and physically prevented from doing so. I’m there. First, this disclaimer: I use EQUAL houses. When Pluto squares Neptune is a transit that usually happens at a later stage in your life where big changes are bound to happen. Please, if you’ve gone through this particular combo already, tell me what happened. I’ll need to mull this over now. I can’t get a job for the life of me now – at least in the tech field anymore. I have had lesson after lesson after lesson. This is a big deal for me, because lifting weights is my main passion. When I came to, every blood vessel in each eye was burst and my face was a swollen mess. Interestingly, Mars will conjunct Pluto Nov 11/12. The same year Jupiter and Saturn also cross my DC and Solar Arc Neptune exact on it too. I lost my hair, I lost my breasts, probably my fertility… transformed my body. Another was around 1977 but it wasn’t on an angle. Astrology forums are full of people bragging about meeting the love of their lives or owning their home. And let go. It was on that day I grew some balls. But I’m definitely not the same person now compared to when all of this started to happen. I just can’t figure out which house works better. If something crosses an angle, any angle, all the angles are affected – this is why it is a big deal. I left a great career in Vancouver to move with my husband to a small city outside of Seattle. And it has definitely an “authority” style, power struggle relationship. I’m on exactly same degree as you with ascendant it’s been a difficult 14 years but like yourself I feel like a new me is coming to the surface! Socially, I was in a bubble, all by myself, observing all the happy people outside. (I’m kind of disappointed about Mars not being in the 10th–because I kept reading that such a placement was ‘warrior-like’ in terms of public image–but I guess that Mars in the 9th would also make sense, since I am highly philosophical and enjoy weight lifting). She just couldn’t put her mother in a nursing home. Saturn return coming soon too! Equals strong in body but probably used by other people. Someone I never thought I’d live without. It has clouded my philosophies and direction … its been a very rough patch in my life. We are also waiting for the answer of immigration to become a permanent resident. Have a Jupiter return coming in August that I am naive enough to be hopeful about… they never seem to have the impact that Saturn does, do they?
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